Thursday, May 04, 2006

Christian Sandvig Teaching With Blogs at UIUC

Using blogs in course work helps improve students' writing:

"Several years ago when Christian Sandvig, then a new professor of speech
communication, was developing a course called Communication Technology and
Society in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, he wanted to make the
course writing intensive, but was concerned about managing the workload of
grading the work produced by up to 100 students. After reading scholarly studies
on using diaries to enhance writing skills, Sandvig decided to try a high-tech
twist on that tried-and-true tool: blogs."

Nice article by Sharia Forrest of the UIUC News Bureau on "Using Blogs in Course Work Helps Improve Students' Writing."

Christian Sandvig also did a very good brown bag presentation for CITES EdTech last fall where he went into more detail on the value of blogs for teaching; we've posted his presentation online as both text summary and video.

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